Hi!, I'm...

Daniel Camargo


Based in Santiago, Chile, and as a Hybrid between Designer and Developer, I understand that a user interface should look good and work even better. Self-Thaught my whole career, I love the technical and visual aspects that make the experience of a web platform bolder and intuitive.


Frontend Development

HTML/CSS, Javascript, Typescript, React JS, Next JS, Styled-Components, CSS Animations, Framer Motion, Rest Api, Node Js

Visual Studio Code, Postman, Github, Slack, Hyper.

UI/UX Design

Landing pages, Wireframes, Prototipos, App Design, Design Systems, Atomic Design, Branding, Icon Design

Figma, Invision, Zeplin, Framer, Photoshop, Illustrator.

Work Experience

Frontend Developer

Ria Money Transfer / Santiago. Chile

2021 - Present

My main tasks will be the creation and maintenance of both internal products and client-side products, within Jamstack architecture

Frontend Developer

Cornershop by Uber / Santiago. Chile

2020 - 2021

Perform different tasks of developing new features for internal products, code review, pair programming using React JS, Typescript, React Query, etc.

UI/UX Designer / Frontend Dev

Haip / Santiago. Chile

2018 - 2020

Responsible for the design of the user interfaces and front-end development in React JS of the different product platforms in Haip.

UI/UX Designer / Frontend Dev

Eniax / Santiago. Chile

2017 - 2018

Different tasks both in design and in the creation of navigation flows for the online medical agenda and internal admin platform

Frontend Dev

2Brains (Client: BCI) / Santiago. Chile


Carried out navigable prototyping tasks using HTML/CSS/JS for testing business customer flows on credit requests.

Web & Graphic Designer

Wemake / Santiago. Chile

2015 - 2016

Creations of web designs for different agency's clients and also doing the implementation using wordpress

Web & Graphic Designer

Triple V / Santiago. Chile

2014 - 2015

General graphic design to multiple agency's clients, also responsible for building Wordpress websites from scratch.

traveling to san pedro de atacama
San Pedro de Atacama. Chile

Values & Hobbies


Buen diseño y menos es mas

Mantenerlo simple y legible es primordial, logrado eso podemos ponernos creativos y darle un toque extra.


Si no lo se, aprendo!

Por que esperar que alguien lo haga por ti cuando siempre se puede encontrar un buen tutorial que te enseñe a hacerlo.


(Casi) todo se puede

Si no es de una manera, puede ser de otra, la idea es siempre tratar de ofrecer la solución mas factible y que cumpla con el objetivo.


Not a pro Gamer

Me gustan los First Person Shooters (PUBG, Overwatch, CoD, Apex Legends) y perder siempre en Fifa.


Mas casa y viajes

Me gusta pasar tiempo en casa en familia, pero trato de compensar con viajes fuera de la ciudad cuando sea posible.


Wannabe de Artista

Con 2 marcas de poleras fallidas (Hater Clothing, Fire Riders Company) espero algun dia dedicarle sufiente tiempo a ilustrar para @unluckydeath y quiza emprender de nuevo.